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School Recognitions and Grants

Spokane R-VII is excited to share that the Missouri Association of Rural Education (MARE) has named Spokane R-VII as the 2021 Outstanding Rural School District. MARE's membership includes 396 school districts in the state of Missouri. Mr. Kent Doyle, Spokane High School Principal, Dr. Della Bell-Freeman, Spokane R-VII Superintendent, and Mr. John Armitage, Spokane R-VII Board of Education member, traveled to the MARE conference to accept the award on behalf of the school district. This award reflects the collective efforts of all of the team members within our school district to make a difference for students! Many team members within our district were nominated for awards within the MARE recognition program, and those nominations were shared and celebrated at the October Board of Education Meeting. Thank you to Monica Montalvo and Life 360 for their support. Additionally, letters of support from Jacque Essick and Paige Crabtree provided insight into the good things happening at Spokane R-VII.

We love our students, our schools and our district!



Top photo: Left to right front row Becky Justis, Kelly Krauch, Della Bell-Freeman, Jessica Burke, Emily Martin, Terri Burkhart Back row: Kody Finstad, Jeremy Truitt, Richard Johnson, John Armitage, Jason Nockunas, Kent Doyle, Roger Ward
